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Logistic transport in extreme environments: the
evolution of risk and safety management over 27
years of the polar traverse
Aude Villemain & Patrice Godon
To cite this article: Aude Villemain & Patrice Godon (2020) Logistic transport in extreme
environments: the evolution of risk and safety management over 27 years of the polar traverse,
Ergonomics, 63:10, 1257-1270, DOI: 10.1080/00140139.2020.1777329
To link to this article: https://doi.org/10.1080/00140139.2020.1777329
Published online: 18 Jun 2020.
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Logistic transport in extreme environments: the evolution of risk and safety
management over 27 years of the polar traverse
Aude Villemain
and Patrice Godon
CIAMS Laboratory, COST Collegium Science & Technology, University of Orleans, Paris-Saclay, Orleans, France;
Research Centre on
Work and Development (CRTD), Ergonomics Team, CNAM, Paris, France;
epartement logistique polaire, French Polar Institute (IPEV)
Paul Emile Victor, Plouzane, France
In this article we seek to explain how safety mechanisms and risks evolve over time. The article
focuses on a sociotechnical system, that of a polar traverse (a transport operation in a polar
environment). In the study spanning a period of 27 years data were collected with ethnographic
participative observations on three of the 56 traverses already achieved. Activities were traced
from the whole 1398 daily reports and scale models of the convoy vehicles were used to recon-
struct events during the traverses. Self-confrontation interviews were also conducted. A traverse
feedback process was carried out which revealed that (1) whereas proactive safety is aimed at
maintaining the continuous improvement of a system, reactive safety makes it possible to main-
tain the systems level of safety; (2) the development of redundancy and mixed technology con-
tribute positively to the safety system. Improvements made to the safety system, its dynamics,
and embodied resilience are discussed as well as the study limitations and implications.
Practitioner summary: This article seeks to understand how safety has been ensured in logis-
tical transport in extreme conditions in a case study extending over a period of more than
27 years. The study investigates how risks and safety mechanisms have evolved and the benefits
of developing a traverse feedback process to improve safety.
Abbreviations: IPEV: French Polar Institute (Institut Polaire Francais); DDU: Dumont dUrville
(French coastal antarctic station)
Received 20 January 2017
Accepted 4 May 2020
Proactive-reactive safety;
extreme situations;
dynamics; risks; system
1. Background
This research was conducted in collaboration with the
French Polar Institute Paul Emile Victor (in French,
Institut polaire Paul Emile Victor- IPEV). The construction
project for the scientific station Concordia (first winter-
ing in 2005) was at the origin of the first polar traverse
in 1992. Concordia is located on the Antarctic continent
1,150 kilometres inland from the French coastal scien-
tific station, Dumont dUrville (DDU) (Figure 1). At its
inception in 1992, the goal was to create a reliable and
economic means of transportation for the construction
equipment and supplies needed on the remote site of
the permanent Franco-Italian station, Concordia. The
traverse, which is a group of vehicles and their loads
moving in convoy across the Antarctic continent in
complete autonomy, connects both stations three times
during austral summers. The duration of the round trip
DDU-Concordia is approximately 23 days during which
different situations occur; some of these situations are
anticipated (Villemain and Godon 2017), others
are unforeseen.
The standard convoy is composed of approximately
10 people driving three snow trains towing sleds loaded
with containers and fuel tanks. Two or three levelling
machines can be added to this convoy (Figure 2). The
main objective is to convey the goods to the site as
quickly as possible with the best fuel efficiency.
Even if there have been no major accidents so far,
operational and/or technical incidents have regularly
occurred during the traverse journey (for more infor-
mation, see Villemain and Godon 2015; 2017). This is
the context of the present research.
There is a long tradition of using ergonomics to
examine safety and reliability (Amalberti and Hourlier
2007; Weick 1987), however, few studies have investi-
gated safety and reliability in hostile environments. The
CONTACT Aude Villemain aude.villemain@univ-orleans.fr CIAMS Laboratory, COST Collegium Science & Technology, University of Orleans, Paris-
Saclay, 2 All
ee du Ch
ateau, Orleans 45067, France
ß 2020 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group
2020, VOL. 63, NO. 10, 12571270
aim of this study is to gain an understanding of safety
and reliability in such hostile environments by studying
human activity, its organisation, and how a safety sys-
tem is maintained over time in extreme, changing,
dynamic and uncertain contexts. In short, the study
seeks to understand how risks and safety evolve in a
socio-technical system in extreme conditions.
1.1. The traverse, a sociotechnical system
In the sixties, the term system was explored through
ergonomic research. Within Ergonomics, the notion of
the system is defined as the joint consideration of
the components of a system in their interactions. This
characterisation has had a lasting impact on
Figure 1. Map of Antarctica with the French station (Dumont DUrville) and the continental station (Concordia). The Traverse con-
nects these two points.
Figure 2. Composition of the convoy at the start of the traverse.
ergonomic studies (Montmollin 1967; cited in Leplat
2013). The notion of the system has been associated
with system thinking (Simon, 1996/2004), systems
dynamics or the systemic approach (de Rosnay
1975; Le Moigne 1990), and with complexity (Morin
1990), or self-organisation (Atlan 2011). In accord-
ance with the focus of our study, we have attached
importance to research examining the transformation
of sociotechnical systems as proposed by cognitive sys-
tems engineering (Hollnagel and Woods 2005; Woods
and Hollnagel 2006), that is to say, synergistic combi-
nations of humans, machines, environments, work
activities, organisational structures, and processes
(Carayon et al. 2015; Noy et al. 2015). In the case of
the polar traverse, we use the term sociotechnical sys-
tem to refer to a complex synergistic combination of
human, technological and organisational resources
which undergo? transformations to maintain a resilient
safety system.
1.2. A resilient system with proactive and
reactive approaches
Developing resilience involves creating a resilient sys-
tem and maintaining and managing this systems
resilience. A system can be resilient if workers can
adapt through an understanding of the context in
which this adaptation takes place. Adjustments are
made both by the individuals and the organisation,
and sometimes in an improvised manner (Hollnagel
2012). A system must enable operators to anticipate
events and learn from experience (Hollnagel 2009)
thanks to feedback and flexibility because when crit-
ical situations occur improvisation enables resilience
(Weick 1993).
In resilience studies a proactive approach is essen-
tial to ensure prevention and enable the system to
adapt to changing conditions prior to the occurrence
of undesirable events. A proactive approach involves
the allocation of resources for improved safety and
enables resilient organisation (Dekker et al. 2008).
Short-term responses with a reactive approach are too
restrictive and cannot guarantee the safety of a sys-
tem and its maintenance (Daniellou, Simard, and
eres 2009; Hale and Heijer 2006). A proactive
approach is therefore essential to address evolving
risks in a challenging environment and to enable a
system to evolve towards a permanent state
of readiness.
Previous polar studies highlighted improvisation as
a way of ensuring a system continues to function at
the lowest possible level of risk (Villemain and Godon
2015) through the deployment of collective and indi-
vidual expertise in real time in an enabling
environment (Villemain and L
emonie 2014). Reactive
and proactive approaches used during a traverse to
cope with unforeseen events have been described in
a previous article (Villemain and Godon 2017). This art-
icle examines the proactive and reactive approaches
in a historical case study on the evolution of safety.
Proactive management is a strategy which enables the
convoy organisation to be a dynamic system. A pro-
active approach can be developed in an autonomous
organisation and allows the system to evolve con-
stantly. This has been recently observed in a study on
safety management in the risk-prone activity of spearf-
ishing (Villemain and Buchmann 2019). More can be
gained by understanding how resilience can be main-
tained over a long period of time and how a safety
system can evolve. That is why we propose a case
study on the maintenance of a safety system over a
long period of time.
1.3. Background on risk and safety management
on the traverse
On the traverse, risks were considered in the usual
experiential manner by the traverse designer who
incorporated safety mechanisms into its design and
general organisation. Risk management thus relied on
a formalisation of existing risk-related situations as
well as the implementation of safety mechanisms for
the traverse from its creation. The absence of any
human casualties over the 27 years of traverse oper-
ation bears witness to the benefits of a built-in design
and an experiential approach with an absence of tra-
verse procedures, in spite of the fact that these are
normally regarded as key pillars of risk management
and accident prevention (Amalberti and Hourlier 2007;
De Keyser 2003).
In a previous study (Villemain and Godon 2017) the
occurrence of unexpected events such as mechanical
breakdowns, equipment breakages, navigation errors,
and bad weather were observed during the traverse. It
was noted that it is impossible to determine which
problems or failures will arise, when these is going to
occur, where precisely in the convoy, and which
equipment will be affected; it was also noted that it is
impossible to determine the consequences that such
situations may entail. In this regard, such events can
be considered as unforeseen. At each halt of the con-
voy a daily report was sent to the French and Italian
stations detailing technical problems. We established a
record of the occurrences of unforeseen events from
these reports.
Analysing risk prevention over the past 27 years of
traverses can help to understand how safety is man-
aged in the long term in extreme environments with
the occurrence of unforeseen events. How has safety
evolved in 27 years? What role does experience play in
maintaining safety? The question of risk has already
been studied regarding an Antarctic base providing
residential facilities (Villemain and L
emonie 2014),
however, studying risk seems even more relevant in
the case of an isolated convoy in transit. At such tem-
peratures (from 20
C), the slightest action
may constitute a risk, not only for individuals, but for
the entire group, due to limited medical support and
to isolation
. The traverse is a complex and dynamic
system of social and technological components inter-
acting with a hostile environment which restricts work
activity. It is also a complex adaptive system integrat-
ing multiple interacting components to ensure prod-
uctivity and safety. The priority should not be to focus
on why incidents and mishaps occur and whether
people make mistakes, but whether the system is
organised to manage risks and prevent incidents and
accidents from occurring.
2. Methods and materials
2.1. The traverse designer
The traverse designer was the head of the Concordia
project. The implementation of a transport system was
a part of the project for the construction of the sta-
tion; therefore, as the head of the Concordia project
the traverse designer was also the client of the trans-
port system. At the beginning of the project, he was
41 years old with 14 years of experience in Antarctica
and was the manager of the Dumont dUrville station.
He is now 68 with 40 years of work experience on the
Antarctic continent and is arguably one of the worlds
most experienced traverse designers, having com-
pleted a total of 66 convoys. His first traverse was a
scientific convoy with personnel from the original
crew of the French Antarctic programme. After this
traverse, he observed similar operations conducted by
foreign operators and looked at the equipment pro-
posed on the market. In the French and international
Antarctic community, he was the person who pos-
sessed the best combination of experience and tech-
nical knowledge. Responsible for the design, the
implementation and the success of the programme,
he was also the guarantor of safety.
2.2. Data collection methods and procedures
The research was carried out in two main phases
(Table 1). The first phase consisted in a traverse feed-
back process in which activities were examined
(Cahour and Licoppe 2010) by means of daily reports
during a period of 27 years. The second phase con-
sisted of working with the traverse designer to analyse
these safety mechanisms and identify the original rea-
soning which inspired him to implement these mecha-
nisms, sometimes going as far back as the beginning
of the project in 1992.
2.2.1. The traverse feedback process and the track-
ing of activities
According to course-of-action theory, an activity is sit-
uated in and inseparable from the environment in
which it takes shape, and the actor participates in the
construction of the situation (Varela 1989; Varela,
Thompson, and Rosch 1991). An activity can be
shown, described and commented on at any moment
(Theureau 2006) under certain methodological condi-
tions thanks to tracking. In this study daily traverse
reports and the elaboration of scale models were used
in this tracking process.
In total, this work of traverse reconstruction
required approximately 500 hours. We studied all the
reports written during the traverse from 1992 until the
present (a total of 1398 reports since 1992 covering
57 traverses). These were listed in a table, indicating
the traverse number and date, the incidents encoun-
tered, the interventions, the duration of the interven-
tions, the traverse duration, the number of machines
and the amount of equipment present in the traverse.
The aim was to get as much information as possible
Table 1. Summary of the methodology used.
Materials Traverse reconstructions
Data collected 1398 Traverse diary reports:
Chronological presentation of the evolution of incidents on
the traverse.
Scale models: description of the composition of the traverse
convoy and its evolution.
Supplementary documentation: Inventories and
equipment purchased.
Traverse designer presented with:
The reports and traces: risks and incidents observed (7
self- confrontation interviews).
The scale models: reconstruction of the composition and
organisation of the convoy (4 self-
confrontation interviews).
Objectives Construction of tools to analyse the evolution of the traverse. Analysis of the evolution of the risks and safety mechanisms,
dynamic reconstruction.
about the traverse and its progress. Incidents were
listed as well as changes in the equipment. Analysis of
the daily traverse reports enabled us to build a
chronological map (De la Garza and Weill-Fassina
1995) of the evolution of incidents since 1992. Facts,
actions, circumstances, and risk categories were classi-
fied and ordered sequentially from the beginning of
traverse activities, based on the daily reports. Thus, we
were able to establish combinations of events and
their chronology. The scenario corresponding to each
traverse configuration at that time was reconstructed
with a scale model. The daily traverse reports were
drafted based on the same template during the entire
27-year period. Thus, data were comparable since
information such as dates, incidents, equipment, and
human interventions was available in the same format.
To help the traverse designer conduct this historical
reconstruction we used scale models, with orange
models representing tanks, blue models representing
containers, and a yellow model representing the med-
ical unit, plus tractors and levelling machines. Using
these models, we identified the different elements
governing the activity at the time, such as the traverse
designers thinking and experience and how this
related to the intended goals, particularly in terms of
risk management and safety mechanisms or the devel-
opment of risk-management strategies.
Whilst such models tend to be used more for future
designs and represent prescriptive items using scen-
arios, we chose this method to assist the traverse
designer to recall aspects of his work and to think
back over the 27-year period. The reconstruction
therefore is an historical safety record. The aim was to
stimulate recollections by presenting the designer
with reconstructed situations using models of traverse
components during in-depth interviews. We consid-
ered the chronology of events on the different traver-
ses and provided complementary information with
daily traverse reports written at the time. Thus, the
safety mechanisms were attributed to each period.
2.2.2. Traverse reconstruction illustrating the evolu-
tion of safety mechanisms
According to the method developed by Cahour and
Licoppe (2010), in which existing or constructed traces
such as audio and video recordings, written reports,
and scale models are used to gain access to an inter-
viewees representation of past or present activities,
the traverse designer was presented with two types of
traces of the traverse activity: the daily traverse reports
and scale models. Seven self-confrontation interviews
(Theureau 2010) were conducted based on daily
traverse reports dating back three years to reconstruct
the original design of the traverse and to track its evo-
lution as well as that of its safety mechanisms.
The traverse designer reviewed the reports which
provided details on changes in the organisation and
technical safety adjustments. Only periods with a sig-
nificant number of incidents resulting in organisa-
tional, human or technical modifications to the
traverse design were recalled and commented on by
the traverse designer. The goal of these interviews
was to help him reconstruct past situations and
actions. He was asked to describe the traverse condi-
tions at the time and explain how specific choices
were made in its design.
To recall information dating back 27 years required
the use of specific, innovative and adaptable inter-
viewing methods to highlight the dynamic changes
which occurred (Carayon et al. 2015). The objective
was to reconstruct with the traverse designer his
actions and the events as he experienced them. We
took inspiration from the techniques of psycho-phe-
nomenological elicitation (Vermersch 2009) and self-
confrontation (Theureau 2003), inviting the participant
to describe and comment his actions by reviewing the
daily reports with him or by using scale models to
help materialise these past events and actions. By
using these interview techniques (elicitation and self-
confrontation interviews) we were able to understand
how the traverse functioned and how its design
evolved over the period of 27 years. Among the ques-
tions asked were the following: What were you trying
to do?, What objectives were you pursuing at the
time?, What had you observed in the field which
made you take this course of action?, After this
observation, what did you say to yourself?, What
were the risks?, What did you decide to do next? By
using such an approach, the interviewees recollec-
tions of past actions were linked to what was mean-
ingful for him at that time. Moreover, each situation
was described action by action to clearly identify any
elements that may have been left unspoken and to
ensure the recollection clearly reflected the
actors experience.
In this case the method consisted of showing scale
models to the traverse designer and getting him to
talk about a specific moment during a traverse that
we had defined in advance. After he reconstructed the
various traverse convoys with these scale models, he
was asked to describe and comment on the respective
configurations of the convoys and the choices that
were made which led to these changes. In the same
way as with videos in the self-confrontation method
(Theureau 2010), the scale models were meant to
stimulate the traverse designers memory and provide
a detailed insight into his thinking at the time. Using
the self-confrontation method made it possible to ana-
lyse the traverse designers experience when develop-
ing safety mechanisms during the traverse whilst
taking into consideration traverse organisation in the
long-term. The analyses of these experiences through
the succession of reconstructed events made it pos-
sible to elicit what the traverse designer perceived,
felt, knew and did (Theureau 2015, 2006).
Understanding the changes was helped by identifying
the succession of links between the situations consid-
ered, the decisions made, and actions taken, and by
focussing on what was meaningful for the designer at
the time (i.e. traverse modifications introduced by the
designer from 1992 to 2017 to ensure safety).
Four self-confrontation interviews using the scale
models (lasting 1 hour 30 minutes on average) were
conducted with the traverse designer to gain a better
understanding of how the traverse was designed to
ensure safety. To help him recall events, we decided
to begin from the present and to go back in time.
Since the events occurred over such a long period,
three separate periods were identified. One period
from 2006 to the present, corresponding to the last
part of the developmental phase of the traverse, a
second period from 1996 to 2006 (covered in two self-
confrontation interviews) which involved adjustments
and consolidation, and a third period from 1992 to
1996 which was the period of the birth and infancy of
the traverse.
2.3. Data analysis
2.3.1. Chronological categorisation of hazardous sit-
uations and safety mechanisms
After collecting the daily traverse reports and the
interview transcriptions, we established a list of typical
risks and safety mechanisms. Data were analysed in
three steps. First, we identified the categories of haz-
ardous situations in the traverse from field observa-
tions. We categorised all information (thematic units,
Corbin and Strauss 2008) in relation to incidents, acci-
dents and safety mechanisms. Second, we identified
temporal markers of traverse experience from the daily
traverse reports and split the chronological data from
1992 to the present day into three periods. Each
period was identified by using the activity reports and
the corresponding event/time record identified by the
traverse designer. We retained from the daily reports
only the incidents that caused a change or a new
traverse configuration: these could be organisational,
human, or technological changes deemed significant
by the traverse designer. Finally, based on self-con-
frontation interviews, initial categories of hazardous
situations were described, and detailed information
was added relating to each chronological sequence
for each of the three periods described previously,
going back in time from the present to the beginning
of the traverse experience.
2.3.2. Traverse reconstruction
We presented the traverse designer with scale models
and asked him to arrange the models to represent the
traverse configuration today. He was then asked to
reconstruct the traverse configuration for each period
using the scale models and his reports. Based on
these reconstructions, self-confrontation interviews
were conducted, recorded with a digital recording
device and transcribed verbatim. These data were first
analysed using a qualitative thematic approach: the
researcher read each transcription several times and
used a notepad to take general notes on the meaning
of the designers statements to get a better sense of
the whole experience (Thomas and Pollio 2002;
Wiersma 2014). The goal was to identify descriptive
patterns reflecting important changes in the configur-
ation of the traverse. Meaningful units were estab-
lished by underlining words that stood out as
significant in the transcriptions and which answered
the question, How is this relevant to the evolution of
safety in the traverse?. These meaningful units were
arranged into categories or themes by grouping them
according to similar meanings and in relation with the
evolution of the traverse in human, technical and
organisational terms. Inventories and lists of pur-
chased equipment were used to check for any incon-
sistencies in the descriptions of the traverse
configurations, the scale model reconstructions, the
traverse reports, and the self-confrontation interviews.
When the traverse designer evoked a period and a tra-
verse configuration with the scale models, the list of
purchased equipment was used to confirm whether
the stated number of machines, sledges or tanks
was correct.
2.4. Reliability and validity
Reliability was established in several ways. First, the
results of the study were drafted in the language used
by the traverse designer which provided a wealth of
detail and was extracted from the interview transcrip-
tions (Kerry and Armour 2000). Second, validity cheques
were carried out for each interview by providing the
designer with a copy of the interview transcription to
verify accuracy or to clarify points discussed.
From the raw data collected during the interviews,
the work consisted of data selection and sorting. In
view of the mass of data collected from the daily tra-
verse reports (1398 reports), we selected information
that was relevant for reconstructing the evolution in
the safety of the traverse.
This study has both internal and external reliability
(Vermersch 2009). Internal reliability was assessed by
checking the authenticity of the transcriptions and
ensuring that the respondent commented on the evo-
lution of the safety of the traverse; only comments
concerning single and unique moments in the 27-year
period were collected. External reliability was ensured
using a triangulation process. In this instance, the
objective was to correlate data obtained during inter-
views with activity traces, such as daily traverse
reports and the reconstructions with the scale models.
After formatting, the results were presented to the
traverse designer, and were validated by him, then
finalised following discussions and further interviews
when necessary, until all points were clarified.
3. Results
The results relate to the following themes identified in
relation to evolution of risk and safety management:
proactive approaches for improving safety, reactive
approaches for maintaining safety, and technological
redundancy and technological mix.
3.1. Traverse feedback: Balancing continuous
improvement with safety
3.1.1. Actions to maintain continuous improvement
of the system in a proactive approach
Lessons have been learnt from the data collected
which have highlighted the evolution of the traverse
and of its safety mechanisms since 1992. The data col-
lection process identified 9 sensitive situations which
could have caused accidents and 64 mechanisms
which contributed to traverse safety (Table 2). This
feedback process helped to gain an understanding of
the safety mechanisms.
Results obtained from the traverse feedback pro-
cess show that the main safety mechanism involves a
proactive approach, with an anticipation of risks ensur-
ing continued improvement in the system (Table 3).
Our results indicate that when nothing happens
and no risks are identified, the system, while
continuing to anticipate risks, focuses mainly on
improving the efficiency of production. Solutions for
improving the system are organisational and techno-
logical. All these actions contribute to improvements
in the traverse design, including living and working
conditions. For example, electronic navigation in the
90 s was not efficient because GPS accuracy was lim-
ited by the US government. Although GPS was a
major improvement compared to other navigation sys-
tems such as the theodolite, from the beginning the
traverse crew sought additional methods of locating
previous traverse routes. Initially, radar beacons were
positioned along the route, but their installation was a
demanding task and the result lacked precision. An
attempt was then made to retrace the faint track
marks left by the previous traverse. The fact that nat-
ural tracks sometimes remained visible gradually led
to the idea of marking out the route so that it would
remain visible from one year to the next. To do this a
levelling machine was used to create an embankment
downwind from the route that could easily be located
from one year to the next.
3.1.2. Actions to maintain the safety level of the
system in a reactive approach
The second safety mechanism, which resembled more
a reactive approach, emerged following the occur-
rence of unforeseen events. Following these events,
operational changes were made, new equipment was
introduced, and the traverse and safety mechanisms
were modified. Only three important unforeseen
events occurred during the 27-year period which lead
to the adoption of organisational and technological
solutions and modifications in the safety system of
the traverse.
For example, in 2014, the fuel froze due to an
unusual and significant drop in temperature. After
many attempts to recover the situation
, the traverse
team devised two solutions perfectly adapted to the
circumstances. An initial response was to heat the fuel
by means of a controlled fire lit beneath one of the
fuel transport tank. The second solution involved fuel
drums being placed inside an empty heated transport
container used during the first leg of the traverse. One
of the transport tanks is now permanently fitted with
a large heating blanket. This transport tank is used
every year, it is connected to an electric generator
mounted as an accessory on a tractor which produces
the necessary power. This example shows how opera-
tors develop know-how enabling them to address crit-
ical situations, thus leading to the use of new
technology (a prototype silicon heating blanket) and
Table 2. Key hazards, observations and safety mechanisms identified across the 27-year period.
Hazardous situations Events / Observations Date Safety mechanisms developed
1. Loss of energy generating systems Assessed in the traverse design 1992 Portable gasoline-operated
electric generator
Insufficient to keep the convoy
1999 First vehicle with an electric generator
2000 Second vehicle with an electric generator
2008 2 electric generators on the
grading prototype
2010 1 recent vehicle with an electric generator
2014 2 recent second vehicles with
electric generators
2. Navigation system failures Assessed in the traverse design. 1992 Solar compass for direction and
"theodolite" for positioning
Very demanding, requires
reassessing position every
23 hours, many calculations
GPS system trials (constellation Navstar)
Following the route
Following the route in bad
weather conditions
Recovering loads
Need to grade the track and place
physical landmarks as
complements to GPS navigation
1995 Wider implementation of the GPS receivers
1996 Inclusion of the grading machines: snow
mounds placed at regular intervals to
make it easier to follow the track
1997 First radar tracking snow mounds, then
installation of a supplementary radar
The solution of snow mounds
being insufficient for
precise navigation
1997 Creation of a snow mounds along the
entire length of the track
Visibility problems due to bad
weather conditions
1998 Opportunity Attempt at using new
spotlights on one vehicle to be able to
see differences in levels in the terrain
surface 4 spotlights
insufficient luminosity to identify
the track
2001 Attempt at using 2 spotlights (with electric
generator) on 1 vehicle
Spotlights corresponding to
the needs
2002 Installation of 4 spotlights per vehicle on 2
vehicles (with electric generators)
Testing new sunglasses improving spotlight
spectrum compared to solar spectrum
Losing loads or tanks left behind
on the way
2007 Radars to spot isolated or lost loads
Lack of precision for staying on the
existing track due to extreme
weather conditions þ
technologic evolutions
2008 Attempt at using Attitude GPS / Furuno
Attempt at using bi-constellation GPS
2009 Wider use of bi-constellation GPS (Russian
Glonass and Navstar US)
Satisfactory solution 2011/
3 vehicles with bi-constellation GPS, one on
the leading vehicle Galileo
Satisfactory solution 2010 Installation of 2 light beams on
two vehicles
2014 Installation of electric generators
3. Communication system failures Assessed in the traverse design 1992 HF radio transceiver
Daily position report
Too heavy: Inmarsat Test Nov
Rental of a portable Inmarsat A equipment
Imarsat A too expensive 1994 Use of Inmarsat M (phone, fax) and C
(Telex) communication terminals, use of
an Iridium terminal (phone, email).
Technological evolutions 2007 Use of an Iridium terminal (phone, emails)
Standard C and HF systems maintained
4. Fire in inhabited units, energy,
food supplies
Assessed in the traverse design 1992 Construction in no flammable
class materials
Dispatching living quarters on
different sleds
5. Food wasted
Cold chain compromised
Problems preserving food
Assessed in the traverse design 1992 Canned food
Supplementary food depots on
the convoy
Fear of potential health problems 1992 þ4
C in the convoy (þ4
C ¼ with heat)
1995 Basic supplies of frozen food
Too much time wasted during the
halts, poor dietary balance
1998 Complete pre-cooked meal kits prepared
ahead of time
6. Fuel problems Estimation of vehicle consumption 1992 Calculations based on manufacturers data
Errors in fuel
consumption estimates
Assessed in the traverse design /
Frozen fuel
1992 Diesel fuel prepared for temperatures of
C (dewaxing) Bringing
along kerosene
Bringing along heating resistors to warm
up liquids
bringing about changes in the organisation and con-
figuration of the convoy (the tank with the blanket
has to be placed behind a tractor equipped with an
electric generator).
We can see that, with regards to reactive safety,
unforeseen events can be a consequence of proactive
safety, associated with the intention of improving the
system: the fact of seeking to maintain a high level of
performance in the system and of going faster can
lead to decisions being taken resulting in dire conse-
quences. For example, changing the initial route of
the traverse resulted in a machine half-fallen into a
crevasse. This came as a direct consequence of seek-
ing improved performance. However, following this
situation, other safety mechanisms were developed.
3.2. Redundancy and a mixed safety system
The traverse feedback process enabled us to list the
technologies used on the traverse in Table 3. The
results show a duplication of the traverse safety sys-
tems. For each type of risk-related situation, redundant
safety mechanisms have been developed to ensure
overall safety. For example, 16 techniques have been
developed to address navigation system failures, nine
have been developed to address physical and medical
problems, seven to address fuel problems, six to rem-
edy a fault in energy production, five to address the
problem of crevasses and food loss, four concern
breakdowns, equipment breakage and communication
problems, and there are two systems for dealing with
fire hazards. The systems implemented for a given
hazardous situation have been reviewed and the num-
ber of times they were used during the 27-year period
varies from zero, in the case of fire hazards, to ten
times, in the case of navigation system failures. It
seems that situations experienced in situ contribute
much more to the development of safety systems.
4. Discussion
This aim of this study was to carry out an historical ana-
lysis of the Polar traverse to understand how safety man-
agement evolved over a period of 27 years. The results
Table 2. Continued.
Hazardous situations Events / Observations Date Safety mechanisms developed
Frozen diesel fuel Errors in fuel consumption
estimates for the return trip
Conversion charts to calculate the amount
of fuel to be left behind
Highlighting the need for
backup reserves
1995 Purchase of tanks with a capacity of 20
cubic metres to organise a depot 300km
away from the DDU station
Fuel depot too close to the point
of departure
2001 Moving the tank 510km away from the
DDU station
Thickening of the diesel fuel due to
a delayed departure and very
low temperatures
Equipping a sled tank with an external
heating blanket and an insulating cover
plugged into an electric generator on
a tractor
7. Areas with crevasses Assessed in the traverse design 1992 Track left by the first Traverses in the 60s
Probing the ground with metal rods
A vehicle opened a crevasse due to
a sudden change in the route
2007 Route established based on
crevasse location
Positioning performed by helicopter
Load opening a crevasse Nov
Georadar trial
Crevasses evolved and moved Nov
Systematic use of a geological/glaciological
georadar for surface probing/glaciology
at the beginning of each season
8. Vehicle breakdowns, broken equipment Grading: Assessed in the
traverse design
1992 Ground graded to limit wear and breakage
of vehicle parts Repair workshops and
stock of spare components included on
the convoy
Heavy tractors with breakdowns
impossible to move
2009 Skis for transportation
Carpets for transportation
9. Work and living Conditions Assessed in the traverse design 1992 Presence of a doctor within the
traverse staff
Glare linked to the altitude and
the cold temperatures
Long days Nov
Succession of tasks to be performed during
the entire day on the traverse
Need for efficiency to save time
during halts
Synchronising preventive maintenance
tasks in the evening
Distribution and distribution of the tasks to
be performed
People working in pairs
Specific organisation of convoy halts
show that safety mechanisms have been significantly
reviewed since the beginning and hazardous situations
have also continually evolved. The results of this research
show that safety is a dynamic and complex process. In
the following section, the discussion deals with (1)
improvement in the systems ability to manage safety
and the need to consider safety questions from a reactive
perspective and in real time; (2) the dynamics of the
Table 3. Pro-active and reactive safety over 27 years of logistic transport in extreme situation.
Pro-active safety: continuous system improvement
Reactive safety : system safety modificationImprovement of living and working conditions
1992- Emergency electrical energy production:
original emergency supply system
insufficient for standard operations
1995- Errors in the estimation of diesel fuel
In-house design (from portable
electric generator)
Organisational solution (safety depot set
up midway)
Improvement of operational system
¼ > Installation of an electric generator
on some tractors
Modification of the working conditions
Navigation system very demanding, not
efficient for driving in bad weather
2003- Attempt to optimise the route ! Opening
of a crevasse
Technological evolution (from theodolite) Internal solution (Back to the
previous route)
Driving activity facilitation ¼ > GPS,
multi constellation receivers,
navigation software
Operational solution (plotting crevasses
with helicopter and accurate satellite
In-house design (from tracking markers
using tubes, snow amounts, radars)
Technological evolution (use of georadar
at the beginning of the each season)
Tracking / plotting activity facilitation
using existing technologies and new
equipment: lightning devices using power
from the electric generators fitted
on tractors
Modification of the solution to
detect crevasses
Inefficient communication system of
poor quality
Technological evolution (from HF radio)
Inmarsat then Iridium telecom
Internal organisation (Daily
position report)
Improvement of safety on the traverse
Too much time lost during daily stops,
improving the efficiency of the
Organisational evolution
Improved meal preparation ¼ > pre-
cooked meal kits and better
dietary management
Work Organisation (Task distribution,
synchronising preventive maintenance,
maintenance tasks)
Improvement of operational
Internal organisation (use of pre-
cooked meals)
Meals Prepared by medical doctor
Fuel management 2014- Frozen diesel fuel occurrence
Technical status and technological
evolution (Dewaxed fuel, mixing with
kerosene, heating plugs)
Technological solution (Specialised
heating through a heating blanket (Not
direct heating)
Improvement of the diesel fuel quality Modification of the working conditions
Tank with fuel for the return journey
left on the sides of the traverse track
2019- Breakdowns or broken equipment
Technological evolution (specialised
skis shoes)
Carpets replacing skis, improving
grading and levelling works
Organisational opportunities (Stock of
spares on board the convoy)
Improvement of engineers working
conditions Improvement of living
conditions on the traverse
system and the positive impact of the absence of written
procedures; and (3) the existence of embodied resilience
as a process. In the last section, limits and implications
are put forward.
4.1. System improvement for the management
of safety
Results show an alternation between a pro-active
approach to safety in which the improvement of the sys-
tem is the objective and a reactive approach in which the
system is transformed to improve safety. Proactive safety,
or passive safety, can be a consequence of a general
transformation of the system and reactive safety, or
active safety, can be a consequence of local adaptations
(studies on activity analysis by Terssac & Lompr
e, 1995/
2002). Both cases involve safety in action (Terssac and
Gaillard 2009), but with differing priorities.
According to our results, in terms of the allocation
of resources proactive safety is not directly focussed
on improving safety (Dekker et al., 2008) but may
depend on a general improvement of in the system
rather than just on improvements in safety. Research
on paradoxes and the theory of change (Watzlawick,
Weakland, and Fisch 1974) may provide some insight
into the fact that it is not by focussing on safety that
safety is improved. As the approach indicates, the
causality of the system is not linear but circular
because the cause of an action cannot be dissociated
from the effects of other actions (Morin 1990).
According to Cartesian logic, if something is wrong, its
opposite is right. However, experience is made up of
opposites (Jung 1952 cited by Watzlawick, Weakland,
and Fisch 1974). For all these reasons, safety must be
considered when hazardous events occur, otherwise
the cause of the problem may be wrongly interpreted
resulting in an inappropriate solution (Bateson 1972,
cited by Watzlawick, Weakland, and Fisch 1974). Safety
must be reflected on in real time and not in anticipa-
tion. In this case, proactive safety is an opportunity for
modifying situations, enhancing experience and
improving system efficiency.
4.2. A dynamic safety system
As previous studies on the management of unforeseen
events on the polar traverse have demonstrated, the
organisation is constantly reviewed during the traverse,
even if nothing special occurs, and this contributes to
maintaining a dynamic system (Villemain and Godon
2017). The same mechanism applies on a larger scale
regarding the traverse design. This explains why our
results showed that the proactive approach to safety
was prevalent, not so much for the sake of improving
safety but for the sake of improving the system.
Contrary to a logic in which safety it set as a priority,
initial modifications are essentially made to address
technological challenges. As a result, the system is
dynamic and its organisation is perceived as a dynamic
process in a state of permanent reconstruction (Tsoukas
and Chia 2002;Weick1995). The technology mix used
during the traverse archaic and modern technologies in
conjunction with the duplication of safety mechanisms
can also constitute a source of danger by creating a
dependence on technology and thus, paradoxically, can
decrease operator empowerment and flexibility
(Hollnagel 2014). Technologies transform the nature of
work and the nature of organisations (Flach et al. 2015).
Changes in the traverse system are made possible
by its intrinsic flexibility which allows for the regular
testing of new technologies on the traverse. An advan-
tage derived from this is that written procedures are
kept to a minimum, enabling the system to adjust eas-
ily. The absence of procedures and specific training
increases flexibility and adaptability in the system.
Interaction with the environment is the determining
factor in traverse safety and may explain the absence of
written procedures which are supplemented by the
expertise of operators. However, in the case of the polar
traverse, this system was weakened by the fact that the
expertise was principally possessed by a single person
close to retirement which presented an additional chal-
lenge to the continued construction of safety.
4.3. Embodied safety and embodied resilience
As previously established (Villemain and Godon 2015,
2017), risk is considered inherent to human action and
is accepted as such. For example, traverse members
know the existence of crevasses, yet the traverse route
crosses crevasses. Decisions taken during the traverse
or in its design automatically integrate risk but do not
focus on it. This corresponds to an appropriation of the
safety system according to the enactive theory devel-
oped by Varela (1989) and is characterised by the activ-
ity through which individuals construct their world of
actions, thoughts or affects that are significant to them
in relation to the specificity of their environment: safety
activity during traverses is not determined before the
beginning of the traverse but is continuously adjusted
during each traverse and safety is built through each
situation. The traverse feedback process demonstrates
the systems ability to deal with unforeseen events and
to manage the risks that continue to evolve. Skills have
been developed by operators in relation to the intro-
duction of new technologies on the traverse, but also
by the unforeseen situations experienced that have
been needed to build an individual and/or collective
traverse experience.
In accordance with the theoretical approach of sys-
tem resilience developed by Hollnagel (2009), Weick
(1993), operators have anticipated events and learned
from experience thanks to feedback and a flexible
approach: when critical situations have occurred,
improvisation has enabled resilience. The maintenance
of a technological watch is an integral part of the pro-
active safety approach, it enables the introduction of
new technologies while maintaining the existing level
of safety. The introduction of new technologies also
indirectly contributes to the training of the operators
and the development of their skills. The variety of sit-
uations and experiences has resulted in the traverse
designer developing expertise in response to the spe-
cificities of the polar environment and according to
his knowledge of this environment. This knowledge
has led to fluidity in the action process, flexibility
within the system, and a sensory know-how devel-
oped from being exposed to situations and the ensu-
ing experience gained.
This situated framework, focussed on the investiga-
tion of safety actions and organisation over time, is
defined in opposition to analytical processes (Robbins
and Aydede 2009). While isolating safety processes,
which typically take the form of an excessive amount
of written procedures, the situated safety system con-
siders and examines safety actions as autonomous,
situation-sensitive holistic organisations. In an environ-
ment where body and mind work symbiotically, there
is a need to develop methods that deal with the prop-
erties of situated safety rather than with those of ana-
lytical or theoretical safety rendered inflexible by an
excess of written procedures. This situated safety can
lead to enacted and embodied safety, as proposed by
Powley in the resilience activation approach (Powley
2009): resilience is socially enacted and embedded (p.
1320). In his presentation of this model, the author
refers to the process of resilience activation as the
expression of socially constructed safety. Resilience is
therefore considered as a process which is activated
and deactivated.
4.4. Limitations and implications
Some of the studys limitations are worth mentioning.
It might have been preferable to study a larger num-
ber of traverses to confirm the typical nature of the
preventive measures described in this environment. As
with such types of immersive studies data collection
was costly. No other studies using the same method-
ology have been done in this area thus making it
impossible to learn from past experiences. In addition,
the atypical and original methodology used in this
study presented some limitations. For instance, the
data collection relied to a great extent on the traverse
designers memory of events over a long period of
time therefore some details may have escaped his
We need to investigate better methods of studying
the dimension of safety in its entirety. It would also
have been preferable to complete our analysis by gath-
ering data on group activity and to not just take an
organisational point of view. These approaches could
lead to a focus on collective resilience, a dimension we
have not investigated in this article. Considerable
research and methodological work are required to gain
an understanding of the resilience system at work in
the activities of traverse personnel in a polar environ-
ment. The study design involved the in-depth analysis
of a single case. Due to its particularities, conducting
such research in the polar environment is like conduct-
ing a single case study, which means there is a likeli-
hood that the findings are only applicable to such
highly specific working environments.
Practical implications could also be highlighted.
Results from this study could provide invariant factors
which may contribute to analyses of organisational
strategies for the management of high-risk situations
or crises. Paradoxically, the invariant factor is the vari-
ability of the environment related to uncertainty and
unpredictability. This therefore requires considering
safety as a dynamic and flexible process built through
each situation encountered and not as a predeter-
mined system. The study of long-term risk manage-
ment in extreme, isolated and confined environments
covers a whole range of different environments such
as military (Waterson et al. 2015), maritime, space,
underwater and prison environments.
A dynamic system in perpetual motion, through the
search for continuous improvement engaging pro-
active safety, introduces a dynamic and unstable
dimension able to respond in a reactive way to
unforeseen and unstable situations. In some cases, risk
seems to infiltrate fixed and predetermined organisa-
tions much more easily. In a system rigidified by
excessive recommendations and procedures it
becomes difficult to introduce change (Villemain and
Godon 2017) and build a dynamic safety process.
5. Conclusion
Experience gained within a sociotechnical system over
time is not often taken into consideration. However,
the results of our study show the importance of study-
ing safety in a sociotechnical system over time and
the need to collect data from feedback in the long
term to gain a better understanding of the evolution
of safety management. This article demonstrates the
importance of gathering historical and organisational
records of safety systems. The traverse feedback pro-
cess also demonstrated that risks continuously evolve.
The methodology used was original and diversified,
involving both a review of historical records and
reconstruction of the original traverse design and
development. Some risks have been reduced thanks
to better practices, experience gained (knowledge),
and technological developments (greater efficiency of
existing systems and new equipment). Other risks that
could not be eliminated, such as crevasses, have had
to be circumvented. Whereas in the 90 s challenges
were more technical and technological than safety-
related, today the establishment of safety systems has
become a major issue in the organisation of traverses.
Whilst preventive actions will never be enough to
eliminate all risks, these results bring us a step closer
to an understanding of risk-generating mechanisms.
The question remains whether the development of
specific competencies, skills, and risk awareness in such
atypical environments might not bring about a trivialisa-
tion and therefore a minimising of risks, causing operators
to make dangerous decisions which could jeopardise their
lives. Therefore, training is a central issue and the question
which needs to be addressed is how to train a group
while preserving heterogeneous experiences and different
professional backgrounds? This question is currently
being studied and will be presented in a future article
(Villemain & L
emonie, accepted). The specific know-how
for the management of critical situations is developed
through the experience of managing unforeseen events.
To enhance the understanding of safety systems
within a broader perspective, longitudinal studies are
necessary. Questions regarding the efficiency of writ-
ten procedures and adaptive safety (and training)
need to be addressed in further research.
1. We specify that the authors are familiar with the way
the traverse is designed and how it functions thanks to
ethnographic studies conducted previously (Villemain
and Godon, 2015, 2017).
2. For details, Villemain & L
emonie (accepted).
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